The man in the
images below is not Jesus Christ, but Robert Powell (born 1 June 1944) an English television and
film actor, best known for the title role in Jesus of Nazareth. (1977)
Many Christians today refers him to be Jesus Christ
because of the lead role he played in the movie Jesus of Nazareth (1977) as Jesus
Christ, which happens to be one of the best Jesus Films ever, however
most Christians use his photography on every wall of their homes, on their
necklace, books and even in Churches. Some also bows and pray to him,
whiles others say they pray through him.
Desmond Sakyi, the Vice President of Dominion University SRC says, he believe it's ignorance that makes some Christians refer to Robert Powell as Jesus Christ, or maybe they have a define reason for the
act '' for my bible tells me in exodus 20:4-5, You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of
anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing
the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of
those who hate me...'' (NIV)
Below are
the images of Robert
Behind The Scenes '' the making of 'Jesus of Nazareth' Photograph Of Robert Powel
Behind The Scenes '' the making of 'Jesus of Nazareth' Photograph Of Robert Powel
Behind The Scenes '' the making of 'Jesus of Nazareth' Photograph Of Robert Powel
Behind The Scenes '' the making of 'Jesus of Nazareth' Photograph Of Robert Powel
Behind The Scenes '' the making of 'Jesus of Nazareth' Photograph Of Robert Powel
Behind The Scenes '' the making of 'Jesus of Nazareth' Photograph Of Robert Powel and Crew
Behind The Scenes '' the making of 'Jesus of Nazareth' Photograph Of Robert Powel and Crew
Behind The Scenes '' the making of 'Jesus of Nazareth' Photograph Of Robert Powel and Crew
Behind The Scenes '' the making of 'Jesus of Nazareth' Photograph Of Robert Powel and Crew
Behind The Scenes '' the making of 'Jesus of Nazareth' Photograph Of Robert Powel and Crew
Behind The Scenes '' the making of 'Jesus of Nazareth' Photograph Of Robert Powel and Crew

Behind The Scenes '' the making of 'Jesus of Nazareth' Photograph Of Robert Powel and Crew

Behind The Scenes '' the making of 'Jesus of Nazareth' Photograph Of Robert Powel and Crew
Robert Powel present look
Nice dats interesting... Tnx